Thursday, June 2, 2011

What to do in the Summer.

Hey Chatterbugs,

As you know the summer is almost here and most of us can't wait. There will be a lot of things to do and people to see. Big stars to meet and a little time to beat. But in the process of living in the moment, think about what can keep you safe and protected from harms way. Even though, it sounds boring and you may think you have to stay home but you can still have fun AND be safe.
Also, continue to refresh your mind about education. You should keep your mind refresh because when you go back to school, you would be on top knowing what you are doing. Keep your mind energized doesn't mean you have to be home going over boring school papers. You can set a date for and your friends to go to the library and you guys can go out to eat afterwards.

Thanks, this is Love Chat and this is What to do in the Summer.